Pseudo-code for Audio module Audio_Init //Takes no input, returns nothing. Initialize PA2 - PA7 pins to digital output Set all pins to HI End of Audio_Init Bad_Hit_Audio //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA2 pin to LO to enable PA2 audio track End of Bad_Hit_Audio Good_Hit_Audio //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA3 pin to LO to enable PA3 audio track End of Good_Hit_Audio Win_Audio //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA4 pin to LO to enable PA4 audio track End of Win_Audio Lose_Audio //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA5 pin to LO to enable PA5 audio track End of Lose_Audio Goodbye_Moonmen //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA6 pin to LO to enable PA6 audio track End of Goodbye_Moonmen Show_Me_What_You_Got //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set PA7 pin to LO to enable PA7 audio track End of Show_Me_What_You_Got Stop_Talking //Takes no input, returns nothing. Set all pins PA2 - PA7 to HI to stop all audio tracks End of Stop_Talking